Not everyone can become a detective. You have to fulfil some strict training conditions and you have to be prepared to be screened. A detective is also subject to obligated periodic training. A blanc police record and strict deontology go hand in hand with professional detective actions. No cowboy stories in our sector. You can find more information on this in Article 1 of the Belgian Legislation of 19th July 1991, regulating the profession of private detective. The private detective is subscribed as ‘any natural person who usually, subordinate or otherwise, performs certain actions for a constituent against payment.’
A detective always makes a report of his findings. Photos may also be included in this report which he hands over to the constituent or the constituent’s lawyer. The lawyer may choose to add the report to his case. This may enable him to make his point of view stronger and to take the edge of the opponents point of view. The report of the detective clearly has a supporting influence. It is rarely the case that the report on itself is enough to convince the court, although in some cases this has already happened.
You make an appointment (free of engagement) to confer with the detective if and how he can help you. A solution isn’t always obvious, so before beginning anything, different approaches are discussed as well as different action methodologies. There is always a signed agreement (legally obligated) which stipulates clear arrangements concerning payment and anticipated expenses. During the execution of the assignment we inform our constituent on a regular base and discuss what steps to take. When the assignment is finished a report is drawn up stating the data and actions.